Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Esta Lloviendo...

A nice rainy day in Chile (if you say that correctly it rhymes haha) is the perfect time to update my blog. I'm staring at the Pacific Ocean and it just as beautiful in the rain as it is in the sun. Now I know what my mom must have felt like growing up in Venezuela...I could stare at the sea forever...

My classes started on Monday and I love them. I have been to my Cine class, my Senior Seminar, and my 312 equivalent. Monday started with my friend Jordan and I missing the bus, oops! His mom saw us from the balcony and ended up driving us to school so that we wouldn't miss our first class. In my Cine class, we discussed the various topics we will be discussing this semester, including how to tell a story... what qualities are found in Latin American movies... etc. My Spanish 311 topic came in handy because I was able to talk about The Motorcycle Diaries. We were then asked what our favorite movies/tv shows were...and of course anyone that knows me could probably answer the tv question for me- Friends and Amazing Race. I told my brother that I liked the show "Amigas" and he said "What the heck is that?" When I translated it to 'Friends' he instantly knew. I thought that was funny.

After my Cine class we had a welcome breakfast. We ate pie (not exactly breakfast material, but quite tasty!) and were introduced to some of the Chilean students and formally met all of the Professors. Afterwards, we were given a tour of the campus and the spots we will need to know...i.e. (library, computer lab, offices, etc.) From there, I decided to walk home to save my bus money (and to work off that pie haha) and it was quite the workout! Totally uphill, my quads were burning. Later that night, I went on a run with Jessica. We ran the whole coastline, it was perfect. Running along side a friend in a beautiful city discussing life=priceless.

Later that night I tried to Skype my parents but my internet connection was weak. It was funny because I could hear them, but they couldn't hear me- so I was typing my responses. It reminded me of the TV show Lost and how bazaar it was for the characters to talk to a computer... and here I was doing the same thing, haha.

Today I woke up to pouring rain so Jordan and I decided to take the bus. We didn't miss it this time! My first class was Senior Seminar. Our topic is going to be "Justice and Impunity in Latin America." This is very interesting because the dictator we are talking about, Pinochet, was very recent so people here are still very divided on their opinions. He basically did the same things as Hitler, so it is strange to be around people who can justify Pinochet's actions and agree with his point of view. Afterwards, I had my second class of the day- Spanish 316. It was great!! We learned local phrases and inappropriate words (not for us to USE, but so we are AWARE haha.) My favorite one was "A cada santo le llega su dia" which roughly translates to "be patient, your day will come." After class, my Professor gave all 7 of us a ride home so we wouldn't have to wait for the bus in the rain. That is just a classic example of how kind the people here are, muy generosos. I was proud of myself that I was able to direct her on where to go since I had made the trip by foot the day before and learned the way. At that moment, I felt like a local.

I came home to lunch waiting on the table and had a wonderful chat with my mom and sister (by the way- it is so cool to be able to use that word, sister!) Later on, my sister and I did 'abs' since running was out of the question in the rain. My host mom looked at us like we were crazy. There we were, laying on the ground moving our legs up and down and exhaling as if we were in pain. What a sight, haha.

I think we are going to go dancing tomorrow night, so I will for sure write on how that turns out... to see if I take after my mom's latin blood and it comes easy to me, or if I inherited the other side and find myself with two left feet (sorry Dad, I love you though!)

Buenos Noches,


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hola a Todas!

The Adventura continues! Once I got to Santiago, at 4 in the morning, I waited for the other group to arrive in an Airport Cafe. I drank a double espresso, out of fear that I would fall asleep, and was good to go (and a little wired.) I heard a familiar sound, turned around, and what was on the TV? The JONAS BROTHERS. Man, you can't get away from that Tween Band to save your life. Afterward, I wandered over to the Dunkin Doughnuts (yep, that's big here too) and found an outlet for my computer. Don't worry...I had a converter. After browsing the internet for a couple of hours, catching up with old friends, etc. it dawned on me that I had not idea what time the other group was supposed to land. I had a rough idea..but that's all. I decided at 9 am that it was urgent to learn this information. After wandering around the airport for 30 min, looking at flight info, I finally saw in the distance a bunch of blonde hair. Figuring that was not normal in Chile, I ran up to them and yes, it was my group.

We waited for the bus and made the drive to Vina. Santiago reminded me a lot of Colorado actually because of all the mountains. I was dead tired, so I think I might've fallen asleep on the bus.. before I knew it we were almost there. This is when the nerves started setting in. Once we parked the bus, it felt like an auction was taking place. We exited the bus one by one with a piece of paper that had our names on it. We scanned the sea of faces until someone shouted out- Yo soy tu mama! (I am your mom.) Sadly, I stood on the bus steps for about 3 min and no one claimed me. Thinking I was an orphan, I was told to wait by my director. FINALLY, a woman came forward asking if I was Jennie Olson. Success! I was not an orphan. The car ride back to our apartment was a little complicated because of all the maletas (suitcases.) We managed to shove 2 in the trunk, and 2 on our laps (our neighbor and their host student came with.)

Once we got to the apartment, my host mom cooked us a wonderful lunch of soup, salad with avocado, rice, peas, and chicken. AND this incredible postre for dessert. So much food haha, but delicious. There is another host student staying with my family..she lives in Stillwater, MN. Small world! Later on I met my host dad, Hector. We share a love for oldies- especially the Beatles. I told him my dad played the Beatles all throughout my childhood. Must be a dad thing!

Today we went to the market right by the sea. It was beautiful. I've never seen so many colors, tasted so many flavors, or smelled so many delicious vegetables and fruits. Afterward, we went on a little tour of Vina, and my host family pointed out our church, local hang outs, and the disceotecas, where we all will be getting our dance on, haha.

Later we plan on going to "el mall" and the local hangout for foreign students. It is very rainy today, but the view is still incredible. Adios!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hola Pepsi Cola!

I made it part of the way! I am currently writing from a internet booth in Bogota, Colombia. Today has been a long travel day...but a great one! It seems like forever ago that I was driving up to DIA with my mama staring at that horrible scultpture they installed of the horse with the demon eyes....

Today started at about 10 till 5 when my dad woke me up. After a quick shower, some cinnamon Life cereal (mmm mmm goooooood) a quick pet to my kitty (no more out of pure fear that I would lose an eye) and saying goodbye to my dad, my mom and I were off! Once we got to DIA, the inevitable happened. NO MATTER WHAT, my suitcases are just programmed to be over 50 lbs. So after a little playing of the shuffle game, they finally deemed me worthy to leave Colorado. Then I had to say goodbye to my mama, which was awful..but really exciting because the next time I see her we will BOTH be in Chile. Cant wait for that!! After a quick coffee (Thanks Ashley for getting me hooked on coffee again) our flight finally boarded. The first flight went relatvily well, except for the MAJOR turbulence at the end. I swear- why call it the sunshine state if there are clouds 350 days out of the year. They should call Colorado the sunshine state. Oh wait, CO already has a nickname- "the closest thing to heaven." Oh well, worth a try.

I thought I would be bored to death in Florida with a 4 hour layover..but it turns out it took just about that lenght of time finding my connection/waiting in line. A man that noticed I was struggling MAJORLY with my suitcases offered his assistance. As we rode the bus, he told me all about his plans to open a Cicis Pizza franchise in Puerto Rico. He asked me if I had ever eaten there and I said yes, but the only thing I remember is the cinnamon rolls!! mmmmm those are good. Could probably go for one now.

Anyways, after finding my gate, a bite to eat, and a quick read of the new US weekly that further discusses the tragic story of the Bachelorette... I was sitting on a plane to Bogota. While on the plane, I listened to a Podcast of my favorite radio station from back home which caused me to laugh out loud...I think I made a few people on the plane use the phrase "crazy American girl." After that I read movie descriptions of James Bond, Marley and Me, and Duplicity in Spanish and then in English to test my comprehension. While exiting the plane I talked with a nice couple from Florida en route to visit their grandson. They are originally from New York, and then we talked about how sometime in my life I NEED to go see a Broadway play. Next, a man asked me if I had jacket because I was going to freeze when we went outside. I asked him how cold it was and he said 50 degrees. I said, literally, I go to school in a state where 10 degrees is considered a heat wave. He laughed.

Well the timer of this internet booth is slowly starting on the countdown to 0 so I must say goodbye for now...probably a good thing before I ramble on and cause all you readers to die of boredom.

Next update to come from Chile!!

Almost there.

Jennie O.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Well I made it. 16 hours in the car, 5 states later, and 3 tanks of gas...and it's home sweet home. I can't say that I was happy to leave good ol' St. Joseph, MN. I had one of the best, if not THE best summer of my life...working, living, maturing. 20 years under my belt and I think I've gotten a good handle on things. Met some fantastic people and planted the seeds of some wonderful friendships that are going to, no doubt in my mind, last me a lifetime...you know who you are : )

However, now that I am home it feels fantastic! I was so happy to see my mama and daddy greeting me at the front door after a looooooong car ride. Being with them for 10 short days is going to be just what I need. I'm going to be running around packing for Chile, but soaking up all their love and support is what is really going to prepare me.

After the quick home trip, the REAL adventure begins. Starting on August 13th, and lasting through December, my permanent address will be Vina Del Mar, Chile. That's right. For the next 5 months I will call Chile, South America, my home. I absolutely cannot wait. I know that I am going to have some fantastic stories...and I'm not going to want to wait until January to share them all. I want to share my stories when my emotions and thoughts are most fresh.
Which leads me to the reason I have created this blog. If you're reading this, you probably received an email saying what was up. Rather than do a massive email once a month, I am going to TRY my hardest to write on this once a day...or week/month/semester. Haha, no, hopefully I will make my once a day goal. Rather than flood your inbox though, I decided to just send one email with the link..and that way you can read it whenever you want. Whenever you're bored or whenever a thought of Jennie O flashes across your mind.

I hope you all enjoy experiencing Chile with me! And so the countdown begins....11 days!!