Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hola Pepsi Cola!

I made it part of the way! I am currently writing from a internet booth in Bogota, Colombia. Today has been a long travel day...but a great one! It seems like forever ago that I was driving up to DIA with my mama staring at that horrible scultpture they installed of the horse with the demon eyes....

Today started at about 10 till 5 when my dad woke me up. After a quick shower, some cinnamon Life cereal (mmm mmm goooooood) a quick pet to my kitty (no more out of pure fear that I would lose an eye) and saying goodbye to my dad, my mom and I were off! Once we got to DIA, the inevitable happened. NO MATTER WHAT, my suitcases are just programmed to be over 50 lbs. So after a little playing of the shuffle game, they finally deemed me worthy to leave Colorado. Then I had to say goodbye to my mama, which was awful..but really exciting because the next time I see her we will BOTH be in Chile. Cant wait for that!! After a quick coffee (Thanks Ashley for getting me hooked on coffee again) our flight finally boarded. The first flight went relatvily well, except for the MAJOR turbulence at the end. I swear- why call it the sunshine state if there are clouds 350 days out of the year. They should call Colorado the sunshine state. Oh wait, CO already has a nickname- "the closest thing to heaven." Oh well, worth a try.

I thought I would be bored to death in Florida with a 4 hour layover..but it turns out it took just about that lenght of time finding my connection/waiting in line. A man that noticed I was struggling MAJORLY with my suitcases offered his assistance. As we rode the bus, he told me all about his plans to open a Cicis Pizza franchise in Puerto Rico. He asked me if I had ever eaten there and I said yes, but the only thing I remember is the cinnamon rolls!! mmmmm those are good. Could probably go for one now.

Anyways, after finding my gate, a bite to eat, and a quick read of the new US weekly that further discusses the tragic story of the Bachelorette... I was sitting on a plane to Bogota. While on the plane, I listened to a Podcast of my favorite radio station from back home which caused me to laugh out loud...I think I made a few people on the plane use the phrase "crazy American girl." After that I read movie descriptions of James Bond, Marley and Me, and Duplicity in Spanish and then in English to test my comprehension. While exiting the plane I talked with a nice couple from Florida en route to visit their grandson. They are originally from New York, and then we talked about how sometime in my life I NEED to go see a Broadway play. Next, a man asked me if I had jacket because I was going to freeze when we went outside. I asked him how cold it was and he said 50 degrees. I said, literally, I go to school in a state where 10 degrees is considered a heat wave. He laughed.

Well the timer of this internet booth is slowly starting on the countdown to 0 so I must say goodbye for now...probably a good thing before I ramble on and cause all you readers to die of boredom.

Next update to come from Chile!!

Almost there.

Jennie O.


  1. I am so glad you made it to Bogota! Stay away from the creepers HA HA. And a lot of people will probably think you are a crazy American girl but we over in the states understand that in reality, that is just you, my Jennie!

    It was so nice to talk to you on the office phone today. Nothing could have made my day, heck, my week, better.

    te quiero muchisimo! cuidate y escribame cuando llegas en Chile!! AMOR.

  2. yay you're safe. I miss you so much.
    And as Ash said people will think you are a crazy american ...he he he I still think so :D

  3. So, the guy who helped you? A scene right out of "Taken" with that cute guy!! I am glad that you are safe and well and so articulate in your blog posts.

    Love to all Jennie Olsons,
