Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hola a Todas!

The Adventura continues! Once I got to Santiago, at 4 in the morning, I waited for the other group to arrive in an Airport Cafe. I drank a double espresso, out of fear that I would fall asleep, and was good to go (and a little wired.) I heard a familiar sound, turned around, and what was on the TV? The JONAS BROTHERS. Man, you can't get away from that Tween Band to save your life. Afterward, I wandered over to the Dunkin Doughnuts (yep, that's big here too) and found an outlet for my computer. Don't worry...I had a converter. After browsing the internet for a couple of hours, catching up with old friends, etc. it dawned on me that I had not idea what time the other group was supposed to land. I had a rough idea..but that's all. I decided at 9 am that it was urgent to learn this information. After wandering around the airport for 30 min, looking at flight info, I finally saw in the distance a bunch of blonde hair. Figuring that was not normal in Chile, I ran up to them and yes, it was my group.

We waited for the bus and made the drive to Vina. Santiago reminded me a lot of Colorado actually because of all the mountains. I was dead tired, so I think I might've fallen asleep on the bus.. before I knew it we were almost there. This is when the nerves started setting in. Once we parked the bus, it felt like an auction was taking place. We exited the bus one by one with a piece of paper that had our names on it. We scanned the sea of faces until someone shouted out- Yo soy tu mama! (I am your mom.) Sadly, I stood on the bus steps for about 3 min and no one claimed me. Thinking I was an orphan, I was told to wait by my director. FINALLY, a woman came forward asking if I was Jennie Olson. Success! I was not an orphan. The car ride back to our apartment was a little complicated because of all the maletas (suitcases.) We managed to shove 2 in the trunk, and 2 on our laps (our neighbor and their host student came with.)

Once we got to the apartment, my host mom cooked us a wonderful lunch of soup, salad with avocado, rice, peas, and chicken. AND this incredible postre for dessert. So much food haha, but delicious. There is another host student staying with my family..she lives in Stillwater, MN. Small world! Later on I met my host dad, Hector. We share a love for oldies- especially the Beatles. I told him my dad played the Beatles all throughout my childhood. Must be a dad thing!

Today we went to the market right by the sea. It was beautiful. I've never seen so many colors, tasted so many flavors, or smelled so many delicious vegetables and fruits. Afterward, we went on a little tour of Vina, and my host family pointed out our church, local hang outs, and the disceotecas, where we all will be getting our dance on, haha.

Later we plan on going to "el mall" and the local hangout for foreign students. It is very rainy today, but the view is still incredible. Adios!


1 comment:

  1. Ok, Jonas brothers and Dunkin Donuts? Eew Globalization.

    I like how the sea of blonde hair gave it away. jajajajaaaaa.

    The lunch sounds divine. aroz y frijoles and AVOCADO. mmmmm.

    And I can just picture how beautiful it is. Glad you found out where the discotecas are! jajaaaaa

