Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Well I made it. 16 hours in the car, 5 states later, and 3 tanks of gas...and it's home sweet home. I can't say that I was happy to leave good ol' St. Joseph, MN. I had one of the best, if not THE best summer of my life...working, living, maturing. 20 years under my belt and I think I've gotten a good handle on things. Met some fantastic people and planted the seeds of some wonderful friendships that are going to, no doubt in my mind, last me a know who you are : )

However, now that I am home it feels fantastic! I was so happy to see my mama and daddy greeting me at the front door after a looooooong car ride. Being with them for 10 short days is going to be just what I need. I'm going to be running around packing for Chile, but soaking up all their love and support is what is really going to prepare me.

After the quick home trip, the REAL adventure begins. Starting on August 13th, and lasting through December, my permanent address will be Vina Del Mar, Chile. That's right. For the next 5 months I will call Chile, South America, my home. I absolutely cannot wait. I know that I am going to have some fantastic stories...and I'm not going to want to wait until January to share them all. I want to share my stories when my emotions and thoughts are most fresh.
Which leads me to the reason I have created this blog. If you're reading this, you probably received an email saying what was up. Rather than do a massive email once a month, I am going to TRY my hardest to write on this once a day...or week/month/semester. Haha, no, hopefully I will make my once a day goal. Rather than flood your inbox though, I decided to just send one email with the link..and that way you can read it whenever you want. Whenever you're bored or whenever a thought of Jennie O flashes across your mind.

I hope you all enjoy experiencing Chile with me! And so the countdown begins....11 days!!


  1. Ahh! I am so glad you signed up for a blog! Oh Jennie you will have such a wonderful time! I had a blog for France too....its a good way to post pics and keep people updated.


  2. I miss you already and you haven't left....but I am so happy for you. What a great experience!

    Love, mom
